We've got a 2K3 server, our strategy isn't to use roaming profile.
The document settings folder of some computers are exploding with local profiles providing by the server.
The actual strategy hasn't any effects on older than a specified time.
I decide to use this vb script, in correlation with a GPO to remove local profiles older than 30 days for example :
'Day numbers paramiterstrNumberDays = 30
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If ObjFSO.FolderExists("C:\Documents and Settings\") Then Set ObjFolder = ObjFSO.GetFolder("C:\Documents and Settings\")
If ObjFSO.FolderExists("C:\Users\") Then Set ObjFolder = ObjFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\")
On error resume next
For each ObjFolder in ObjFolder.SubFolders
If not isexception(ObjFolder.name) and DateDiff("d", ObjFolder.DateLastModified,Now) > strNumberDays then
objFSO.DeleteFolder ObjFolder.path, True
End if
'Attention to Folders Exception
Function isException(byval foldername)
select case foldername
case "All Users"
isException = True
case "Default User"
isException = True
case "Default"
isException = True
case "LocalService"
isException = True
case "NetworkService"
isException = True
case "Administrator"
isException = True
case "Adm-Pass"
isException = True
case "AppData"
isException = True
case "Classic .NET AppPool"
isException = True
case "Public"
isException = True
case Else
isException = False
End Select
End Function
This script works perfectly with XP host and Seven host too.
What sort of GPO should I use to run this vbs, some computers have about 10GB older profiles, so start this strategy at launch time should be a very bad idea.
Should I remove something else, like in key in the registry database ???
Someone tell me that, if I only remove the local profile folder, it should a problem with the host operating system.
Thank you for your answers,