We have had in place for many years a custom non-managed "User Shell Folder" policy which provides redirection for many of the common shell folders we'd like users to retain. The reason being is that we don't have roaming profiles on PCs and also much of the environment is based upon Citrix (provisioned servers) which use mandatory profiles (non-persistent).
Therefore key data that we'd like to retain is redirected to a user's personal "home folder" on a storage system.
This works well enough but it's a custom .adm (non-managed) and we'd prefer to use the standard folder redirection policy which is easier to manage and can be given suitable precedence and easily debugged.
However there's a limitation, we currently redirect the following which aren't available in the standard folder redirection options so will always appear under %USERPROFILE%, which is local to the PC/Server:
- Cookies - IE
- History - IE
- Recent - My Recent Documents
- Templates - Personal Templates
All would be a real loss as they are used extensively at the moment and saved to user's home folder. Is there any alternative method to including those in redirection other than our custom user shell folder policy?