Hey Guys,
Last week, I redirected my company's My Documents to our new NAS, and encountered a problem that you can see in my previous post here:
The only way I was able to get this to work properly was to use %HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH%\My Documents as the Target Folder Location (using the "Redirect to the following location" option) in the Folder Redirection Group Policy. Now, I have encountered a new problem. An employee brought her laptop home with her over the weekend, and she was unable to connect to the NAS using VPN. She could connect to all of the server drives fine, but for some reason not the NAS. I am assuming this has to do with the fact that I am using %HOMESHARE%, considering her main network connection at home is not the VPN connection. I figured since she is connected to VPN, this should not have mattered; but it clearly seems to not be working. Does anybody have any experience with this? Any advice at all would help greatly.
Thank you in advance!
Server: Windows SBS 2003
Client: Windows 7