I have a client with locations in three cities. They have Server 2008R2 and Windows 7 in each office (St. Louis, Kansas City and Denver)
I have an OU structure for the workstations that is sepeated by office.
There is a GP object for each specific city linked to that cities "Desktop" OU that does the following
- Redirects Desktop/My Docs/App Data to the local file server via a DFS UNC (seperate share per city)
-- ie..
\\domain\admin\profiles-STL\desktop\%username%, etc.
- Turns on GP loopback processing in Merge mode
- Sets System > User Profiles > Roaming Profile Path to be to the local server via a DFS UNC
-- ie.. \\domain\admin\profiles-den\profile\%username%
Currently we have a signifigant quantity of users that roam between the three office locations, login to a desktop in an office other than their primary and the system copies their "profile" (redirected data, etc) to the file server at whatever site they log into, instead of just creating a new set for them at that location. This results in longer than desirable login times for data that isn't really necessary when they are visiting an office.
All users are storing their critical data to DFS shares that are accessible between all of the locations without a problem so all of the critical data is taken care of.
Is there some simple way I am missing to have a seperate set of user data that just stays within a particular office and then creates a new set when a user logs in somewhere new?
I guess I could create a standard DFS path that wasn't site specific and redirect everything for everyone there and just not replicate the DFS folder, does anyone have a better idea as to how to handle this?