I created a GPO that is suppose to add a new Key to the registry of HKCU but I am having issues with the Computers adding in the key.
I am targeting the GPO to the Computers OU's for Laptops and Desktops because I do not want it slow down login on the servers. I am basically trying to add the Registry setting to DelegateSentItems for Outlook.
Our users are required to use Department Shared Mailboxes when emailing external contacts to reduce targeted Phishing/Spam and we need those emails being sent put into the Sent Items folder of the shared mailbox so they know what emails were responded to and what the contents of those communications were.
I do not want to do this manually to each machine due to time constraints so I tried multiple ways to do this via GPO. Please keep in mind that I have NEVER done this before so forgive my ignorance.
Here is what I tried so far:
1) Created a .reg file and tried the user config>Policies>Window Settings>Scripts>Logon
2) Computer Config>Policies>Window Settings>Scripts>Startup
3) Computer Config>Preferences>Windows Settings>Registry>Registry Wizard, added the Preferences Key with all it's sub-contents
4) User Config>Preferences>Windows Settings>Registry>Registry Wizard, added the Preferences Key with all it's sub-contents
Location: Laptops and Desktops OU
Security Filtering: Authenticated Users, Even tried Domain Users
Here is the Reg key I am trying to import into Registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
I forgot to mention that I was able to manually import the .reg file into a couple of computers and it worked.