GPO Base: Windows 2008 R2 ADMX Templates
Clients: Windows 7 Enterprise
I have a policy defined to 'show only specified control panel items' to the users.
One of the items I want to show is SMSCFGRC.cpl (Configuration Manager) which is fine to add under list of allowed control panel applets, but it makes no difference to the end user control panel. I can login as administrator and view the Configuration Manager
(32-bit) Control Panel Item, but it does not show for users. I have been through
this link but this is not what I am experiencing (though I have tried creating registries as per the article).
So, to solve this:
1. Is there a known Canonical Name instead that I can use for Configuration Manager client?
2. If not, how can I see the Configuration Manager Client SMSCFGRC.cpl item in the control panel via Group Policies?