Hello anyone who can help,
I have a customer that has a Pretty complicated AD structure with Group policies that i didn't setup. they have an internal Admin that kinda hacks around in it. that being said, i have no clue what my problem is with deploying printers.
here is the scenario, we have 3 Domain controllers. 2 in site one and 1 in site 2.
problem is that i created a OU to test a push of printers via User preferences in group policy to our terminal servers.
Terminal server is Running Server 2003 R2 SP2 and has Client side extentions installed. at least from what i can see it has it installed, im not sure how to check other than looking for the DLL file. and its their.
i added the test user to the OU, setup my printer preferences as shared printers and set the command to update(which i am told will also create if the connection is not there).
when i run RSOP.msc, i do not see my policy applying, i have force replication with gpupdate /force, blocked inheritance from the rest of the AD, and i get no printers installing or mapping. the server has the drivers for all the printers installed locally on the machine. i just can't get this damn policy to apply. using rsop.msc, i do not see the policy being applied at all
any help or a point in the right direction would be appreciated. i have never had this much trouble with GP before, it all is usuall pretty straight forward. i tried rebooting the DC's and checked to see if everything was replicating and it is.
much help please