I am currently deploying Bitlocker in my environment. My environment consists of windows 8 enterprise and server 2012 with AD/GPO. I currently have the following GPO's enabled
Computer Configuration:
"Choose how Bitlocker-protected fixed drives can be recovered" - Enabled with options configured
"Choose how Bitlocker-protected Operating System drives can be recovered" - Enabled with options configured
"Turn on TPM backup to Active Directory Domain Services" - Enabled with options configured
This configuration has been working flawless for me, once I enabled Bitlocker all information "Recovery Keys" and "TPM Ownership information" does get backed up to AD correctly.
My questions is this: When I Enable the "Turn on TPM backup to Active Directory Domain Services" GPO there areno additional options to configure. What I was expecting to see are options related to "Require TPM backup to AD DS", I would prefer to have this option of the GPO checked. However everything is blank under the Options portion of the GPO. I have seen and confirmed the options for this GPO are there on 2008R2. Is there something additional I need to do for Server2012?
I can post a screen shot if requested, I guess I still need to get my account verified before it will let me post links or images.