I'm looking into modifying the Location (path) of some mapped drives. The drives are being mapped using Group Policy Preferences. The Action setting on each of the drive mappings is set to "Update".
I noticed that when I we modify the location (path unc), the change does not take effect for the end user (the drive is not mapped to the new location, it points to the old location path.....verified it by running net use on client after modifying policy and force updating the gpo and logoff/logon). What is the best practice/recommended way of modifying the location (path) when the drive is mapped using GPP?
I noticed that if i change the Action to "Replace" then it appears to work but i'm afraid that since replace recreates it every single time this might cause issues of mapped drives not showing up for end users (a majority of our company users use laptops on wifi at work, and some work over Direct Access). At least thats what i've read on some of the threads online. So trying to figure out what is the best/recommended way to go about it.
The properties of each drive mapping in general are:
Action: Update
Location: \\server1\share1 (this is the path we are looking to modify in several of drive mappings)
Drive Letter: Use (using a fixed drive letter)
Hide/Show this drive: Show this drive
Hide/Show all drives: No Change
We have 2008 R2 forest level and vast majority of clients are Win 7.
Your feedback/assistance will be much appreciated.