I noticed an issue when attempting to create a GPO to edit the SSL Cipher Suite Order on a Windows Server 2008R2 box. When I attempt to edit the Group Policy setting, Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > SSL Configuration Settings > SSL Cipher Suite Order, I find that when I select "enabled" for the policy, which then allows access to the SSL Cipher Suites text field, I can't add text to that field unless I delete some first. If I copy the string from that field and paste it back in, the last 48 characters are truncated. If I remove 49 characters from that field I can add 1 etc.
As a workaround I went to to 2008 Server (not R2) and tried editing there and that works fine. I've tried on several 2008R2 servers so far and the same issue occurs on all of them.
Any idea who this can be reported to for a fix?