I do have a domain controller on windows server 2008 R2 with forest functional level and domain function level of server 2003. And I do have a client machine on windows 7 with SP1. All of my windows 7 SP 1 OS consist of IE10. I have been trying to push policy for IE 10 Proxy setting using the available group policy, but it didn't work for me. Hence i have created my own custom policy. Here is the code.
CLASS USER CATEGORY !!category1 POLICY !!policyname EXPLAIN !!name KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" PART "You can specify the application here:" TEXT END PART PART "Proxy Server IP" EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "ProxyServer" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY category1="Proxy Server setting" policyname="Proxy Server setting" name="Test policy"
This Policy is working successfully. but applies only when i run 'gpupdate /force' on command. it doesn't work normally. even i logoff n login or restart my machine, the policy is not getting applied.
This is happening on my almost all machines. Can some one help me on this issue??