I have searched the forums, but can't seem to quite find a discussion related to what I'd like to accomplish.
So, on our domain, we use folder redirection and roaming profiles for start menu and desktop, and have been for many many years. This has created a large amount of users with roaming profiles full of dead links as a result of moving or upgrading workstations.
As a result, there are two things I would like to accomplish via GPO and/or a startup script.
The first would be to set it so that moving forward, all programs installed on a workstation have their shortcuts put in the public desktop or start menu, versus the user's roaming profile. This is my primary goal. Not to go and add a single shortcut
for all users or something like that, but to have the default install behavior for any programs be to go to C:\users\public\desktop and C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu. I feel this will work best, because in the vast majority of cases, all
users will need specific programs when on that workstation, not the other way round.
The second goal would be to figure out a way to take only the links to programs that are still good and migrate them to the user's folder. We don't have a ton of people, so I don't necessarily need to do this on a mass scale...just something I could automate
a little to sort their stuff out and clean it up.