Our patching group installed IE10 and its associated problem patch on the DCs. This removes the Internet Explorer Maintenance options in the Group Policy editor. The same group installed IE10 on a bunch of the XenApp 6.5 servers. Now I have a mix in the farm and even if I downgrade it will not fix it. This is complained about often on the Interwebs.
I need to set a common temporary internet file cache size for IE installed on the servers regardless of version, and now the GPO option is missing. It's an HKCU registry setting. I would hate to have to roll my own ADM file, set a .reg file to run at login, or any custom setting. I even looked into HKLM->HKCU Propigation through MSOffice. Right now I'm probably going to use ScriptLogic to set it, but I'd prefer to use a GPO since we already push domain-wide IE exceptions.
The HKCU key and settings for 150MB cache:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\Cache\Content]"CacheLimit"=dword:00025800
Any ideas?