xxx.local (Windows 2008 DC) ----- COMPUTER LAB (Windows 7, COMPUTER OU) *computers in COMPUTER LAB OU are used by two different groups with different Group Policies.
Normal Users (UserA OU, (GeneralUsersGroup)
EXAM TAKERS (UserB OU, (ExamTakerGroup)
I would like to setup two different group policies to different User groups. We do have two different types of users. We are located in Australia so all the current format, Locale, Default Input Language=EN-AU, Formats such as Date(DD/MM/YYYY) though I need to change those format if the users from ExamTakerGroup log on to those computers (resides in COMPUTER LAB) and change those format to be American (Time, Locale, Default Input Language etc)
As the Computers exists under Computer LAB OU and there are some settings in COMPUTER Configurations in both GPOs created above, so I created one GPO (called LOOPBACK) to set loop back processing and set "Marged" (since all computer side configurations are set in users OU, so I wanted to merge (copy) from Computer Configurations from Users Group Policies.
though this doesn't seem working. Can I link two different group policies to a Computer OU and apply them depending on the type (group) of users and as they (computers in computer OU, Users in Users OU) are not in the same OU, "LoopbackProcessing" allows me to marge/replace GPOs from User side?
any recommendations, advise or better way to meet the requirements would be really appreciated,
Akira Sekine