I have the desktop, my documents/music/photos redirected to a DFS share by means of a GPO.
This works well until one day a user complained that they cannot create new folders in any of the redirected folders on their desktop.
I logged them onto another machine and it works fine. I logged them on to a terminal server, works fine as well.
I deleted their profile on that one machine thinking that'll fix it, and when I re-loggedin, all the redirected files were visible, but I couldn't modify them. Same issue as before. So as a final 'nuke-it-from-orbit' approach, I removed all the user profiles
from the machine, cleared the local offline storage cache
and re-initialized it, then disjoined the machine from the domain and re-joined it.
But, it doesn't STILL won't work on that one machine for that user! When I log this one particular user in, their folders are now not redirected. gpresult /h shows
Folder redirection failed due to the error listed below. Cannot complete this function
That's it, there's no further information.
So to recap
1. Logging this user on to another workstation, the folders are redirected correctly.
2. Logging other users onto THIS workstation, their folders are redirected correctly!
What else can I try to resolve this?