I'm working on a group policy to enable a screensaver and lock it out after 10 minutes. So far I have these four items:
1. HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\ScreenSaveTimeOut | Action: Create | Value type: REG_SZ | Value data: 600
2. HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop\ScreenSaveTimeOut | Action: Create | Value type: REG_SZ | Value data: 600
3. User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization\Enable screen saver | Enabled
4. User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization\Password protect the screen saver | Enabled
Those all work, in the screensaver box, it's set to 10 minutes and On resume, display logon screen is checked and both are grayed out. The problem is I need to set a screensaver for it to work, right? I've figured out how to load a screensaver, but the method I've used locks that option so users are unable to select their own screensaver.
Is there a method to load a default screensaver without graying out that option for users?