We were trying to configure auditing using the GPO below but then we noticed that user profile permissions changed. Is there a way of resetting user permissions to their profile through GPO?
Configurethis file or folder then:Replace existing permissions on all subfoldersandfiles with inheritable permissions
Type//Name//Permission//Apply To
Allow // BUlLTIN\Administrators // Full Control // This folder, subfolders and files
Allow // CREATOR OWNER // FullControl //Subfolders and files only
Allow // NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM // Full Control // This folder, subfolders and files
Allow // BUlLTIN\Users // ReadandExecute // This folder, subfolders and files
Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object and all child objects // Disabled
Type//Name// Access //Apply To
Failure // Everyone // FullControl //This folder, subfolders and files
Allow inheritable auditingentries from the parent to propagate tothisobject and all childobjects //Disabled