I am trying to migrate user’s TS profiles from an old server to a new server but I am having difficulty as the group policy that sets the TS path is set at the TS server OU and I would like to migrate users in small batches.
Active directory Structure
Domain Root (Default Domain Policy)
New User OU – GPO Inheritance blocked (New Default Domain Policy)
Old User OU
Servers (Default Server Policy)
TS Servers – GPO Inheritance blocked (User Settings Policy, Server Policy and TS Specific Policy)
Group Policy Current Settings
TS Specific Policy
Computer Configuration
Windows Components/Terminal Services
Set path for TS Roaming Profiles Enabled
Profile path \\OldServer2\TSProfiles
Do not append the user name to the profile path. Disabled
User Settings Policy
User Configuration / Windows Settings / Folder Redirection
Desktop Path \\OldServer1\users\%UserName%\Desktop
My Documents Path “\\OldServer1\users\%UserName%\My Documents”
I copied and pasted the “TS Specific Policy” and “User Settings Policy” and these became “TS Specific Policy MIG” and “User Settings Policy MIG” I created a security group with the idea of adding this to the security filtering of the new polices and adding users that I have migrated into the group. They would then pick up the new settings when logged on to the TS. This worked for the “User Settings Policy” and the new paths were applied for the “Desktop” and “My Documents”
Security Filtering on “TS Specific Policy MIG”
As the “TS Specific Policy MIG” applies to the computer this did not work so I added the following setting to the group policy
User Group Policy loopback processing mode Enabled
Mode: Replace
TS Specific Policy MIG
Computer Configuration
System / Group Policy
User Group Policy loopback processing mode Enabled
Mode: Replace
Windows Components/Terminal Services
Set path for TS Roaming Profiles Enabled
Profile path \\NewServer\TSProfiles
Do not append the user name to the profile path. Disabled
Security Filtering on “TS Specific Policy MIG”
Test_TS_Server (If don’t add the server the even if a user is a member of the group the settings don’t apply)
When my test user logged in the correct settings were applied but they were also applying for all users.
I also tried denying access to “TS Specific Policy MIG” for normal users but the policy was still applied
Without doing a Big Bang migration of all the data and changing the TS paths is there another solution to migrate users in small batches?