I currently have set up a GPO to limit non administrator user search index locations on Windows 7, but I haven't figured out how to keep users from adding locations to the index from the info bar that shows "Searches might be slow in non-indexed locations. D:\. Click to add to index" info bar. This is allowing users to add entries to the index that are supposed to be restricted in the GPO. For an example, we partition our drive into a C, D and a E drive. User files are relocated to the E drive, applications installed to the D drive. I don't want users to be able to add the D drive to the index. Through the "Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Search\Prevent indexing certain paths" section of the GPO, I add "file:///D:\*" to the rule. When I attempt to search D, the info bar appears, I select it, and a menu pops up with an option " Add to Index". I select "Add to index", and a window appears with the text "Do you want to index this location?", showing the D:\ drive as the option. I select the "Add to index" button, and the location is now added to the index... This would also apply to network mapped drives like "Y", where I add the "otfs://{*}/Y/*" entry as well.
I also have the following set in the GPO:
+ Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Search\Prevent indexing Public folders – Enabled
+ Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Search\Enable indexing uncached Exchange Folders – Disabled
+ Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Search\Prevent customization of indexed locations in control panel –Enabled
+ Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Search\Prevent displaying advanced indexing options in control panel
I know I'm missing something, but don't see it. If there isn't a way to stop the addition of the location, is there a way to stop the info bar from appearing alltogether? I don't want to turn off search, just limit it.
Thanks for any help you can offer!