Dear whom read my issue
thank you for every one help me please
my windows 7 is contained Microsoft office ,photoshop,indesign ,illustrator and another programs and applications such as google chrome and download manager
now I made the pc join on domain and move it to it is OU and I linked it to the group policy
in group policy I just give my computer icon appear on desktop and prevent every thing even in start menue and all programs
but I thought that when an user log in to domain they also will find the programs and applications that I mentioned above,
but for sorry they did not appear
so I can not focus on this issue and I want to make users use all or some of these programs just not more
so how I can do this but please provide me with procedure steps in details as possible
and another question please how I can user install fonts just with out needing to administrator authentication
please may be my questions are so simple but I am tired and can not think ?!!!and need your help in a faster time
thank you again