I am new to administrative field and I have a question in user access permission.
Our company running Small business server and use Active directory to manage users and computer. My question is when I add drive access permissions to a user; it doesn’t show in the user profile. For example, I gave User A to access D:\ drive and when I log in to User A, drive D:\ not in there. I did following steps:
1. Create a group “Access D” to access D:\ Drive
2. Add User A in to “Access D” group
3. Add that group into drive D:\ with full access permissions
Results - D:\ Drive not in the user a computer. but when I map the network drive I can access D:\ drive and my permissions are working.
How could I show D:\ drive in User A computer?
Please help me on this. I really need to sort out for secure my job.