I have a small client site where there are 7 users using folder redirection. 6 of them have been working fine since day 1. But the seventh was not working at all. Last week I got it working again by disabling then re-enabling offline files. I verified everything was redirecting. So this week I looked on the server and I didn't see anything with a date newer than 7 days so I contacted the user who said he has been saving things to his Desktop and My Documents. I then had him create a dummy folder on his desktop which I was observing the folder on the server. No new folder. I then created a dummy text file in the folder on the server but he did not see it appear. So folder redirection is broken again.
I ran the GP Results wizard for his laptop and user profile and the results said the GPO is getting applied. I then checked the event log on his laptop and found this.
Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Desktop" to "\\Server\RdirectedFolders\username\Desktop.
Redirection option=0x1021
The following error occurred: "Failed to redirect because the destination directory "\\Server\RedirectedFolders\username\Desktop" is offline".
Error details: "The network path was not found."
There is one of these for each of the redirected folders. How can his laptop think the server location is offline? He's on the network and is reading/writing from/to other shared folders on that same server. So I know he's communicating with the server.