I have made a policy for Windows 7 pro with the settings:
UAC: enabledUAC = 1
UAC: consentpromptbahavioradmin= 0
UAC: filtre administrator token = 0
So the purpose is to do enable UAC for normal users but no messages for local administrators.
When ever i want to write to or copy to the program files or system32 folders Windows 7 comes with the message: You do need administrator rights to copy files to this directory. Then i choose OK and he copy's teh file.
The question is why the message to need administrator files, i do not want the message. Ik know why he asks that but is it possible to set it disabled?
I have made the administrator owner of the program files but this has no effect.
I have problems with two programs which will not write to the program files\subfolder and i believe the problem is the intervention from that message...