We have a User group policy which map printers for our users. This is done at "User configuration -> Preferences -> Control Panel Settings -> Printers" and not done by so called printer deployment policy.
In this policy we have defined a removal of all shared printer connections as order 1. Order 11 is set to map a certain printer with an Update action and has item-level targeting set. This printer will be mapped to the user as default only when the computer on which the user logged on is located in a certain OU.
What we try to achieve, is that when a user logs on to a certain set of computers the printer in that same room is mapped and become their default printer. When a same user logs on to any other computer, the printer must be removed and must not be used.
What happens now is as follows:
When a users logs on to a computer in the specific room, the printer is mapped and set as default. When the user logs off, this printer is written as the default printer in the roaming user profile. When the user logs on to a computer in a different room, the printer is still there and set as default. This will remain so until the user logs off and logs on again. So to let this work the user basically needs to logon twice on a computer in a different room.
What can be causing this and how to solve it?
Kind regards,
Jasper Kimmel