I've seen this post, when end users try to change there p/w they continue to get not meeting complexity error, I dont think its because must meet complexity is enabled, I think its because the minimum password age is set to 30. so this means the end user has to wait till 30 days to do a password change?
current settings
enforce password history 2 passwords remembered
maximum password age 365 days
minimum password age 30 days
minimum password length 7 characters
password must meet complexity requirements enabled
store passwords using reversible encryption disabled
password must meet complexity requirements enabled
store passwords using reversible encryption disabled
I read that the "minimum password age 30 days " the number 30 means end users can not change there
password till 30 days? so this seems to be the issue and the the complexity enabled is not the issue for example
when a user wants to change there password although they are following the requirements they
still get the not meeting the complexity message. This example should be a good password to use B05ketb011!