I was curious if someone know how to move all the files of a user "local" profile on a Terminal Server to that of a centralized server where the "local" profile of like the user desktop, favorites, setting, etc are stored in the event the local profile on the TS become corrupt it can pull from this server...
The problem I have is no matter what I tell users to save there files to our Y drive that is a folder that is synced across all 6 of our TS servers, users still store files on there desktops, so as you can imagine if one day they are on one server, then next day they could be on another and there files aren't the same.... hence the reason why I want to move all there files to the centralized server so when I redo the profiles from scratch on the TS server in the farm they suck files from the core server and have all of the files they are used to having....
So I was curious and I've heard from some this is possible in a GP, but I'd like to move the contents of all 6 TS for each user or if I have to d this on per user basis I will, just looking for a way to move the files....