I have followed both of these guides to the letter and I even tried other similar variations:
Neither work at all.
My _Deployment.xml file has this. The sdb file was added to scripts in the package. It works fine outside of App-V but getting it to work after an App is deployed is impossible.
<MachineScripts><PublishPackage><Path>sdbinst.exe</Path><Arguments>-q TietanFixes.sdb</Arguments><Wait RollbackOnError="true" Timeout="30"/></PublishPackage><UnpublishPackage><Path>sdbinst.exe</Path><Arguments>-u TietanFixes.sdb</Arguments><Wait RollbackOnError="false" Timeout="30"/></UnpublishPackage><AddPackage><Path>sdbinst.exe</Path><Arguments>-q TietanFixes.sdb</Arguments><Wait RollbackOnError="true" Timeout="30"/></AddPackage><RemovePackage><Path>sdbinst.exe</Path><Arguments>-u TietanFixes.sdb</Arguments><Wait RollbackOnError="false" Timeout="30"/></RemovePackage></MachineScripts>
The only way I got it working was by deploying it to an administrator user on the Windows 2008 R2 session host image I plan to use, navigated to the App-V root folder in a command prompt and ran the command manually. At that point it worked for anyone who received the deployment on that image. That is just plain kludgy if you ask me but this really needs to work or there needs to be a feature added in the Sequencer for getting compatibility databases working properly.