I am trying to move the shared folder from server1 to server2 server1 is where the current redirected folders are and server2 is the new one. I have checked the security settings and they are fine, I know this as it sets up a new user fine just not transferring an old user.
I get the error
Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Desktop" to "\\SERVER2\Users\4ycr\Desktop". Redirection options=0x80009230. The following error occurred: "Folder can not move because there is non redirectable folder at the same path". Error details: "Access is denied.
I am only trying to redirect the Desktop and documents folders. I can map a drive to the user folder on both servers without any errors but nothing is copied to server2. I have even tried to set up the folder redirection without the moving files option selected but get the same error, as well as having grant exclusive rights and the redirection policy for windows 2000... etc. both on and off together.
Anything else I could try?