I'm currently investigating slow logins on my domain. a number of factors have come to light which i am chasing up.
Whilst doing this, I've noticed in the event logs that the event ID 4004 'manual computer processing of group policies' seems to repeat itself. the event log shows:
07:19:13 - 4004: starting manual processing of policy for computer XXXX
07:23:55 - 8004: Completed manual processing of policy for computer XXXX in 281 seconds
07:23:55 - 5315: Next policy processing for XXXX will be attempted in 98 minutes
07:23:55 - 4004: starting manual processing of policy for computer XXXX
07:24:32 - 8004: Completed manual processing of policy for computer XXXX in 37 seconds
07:23:55 - 5315: Next policy processing for XXXX will be attempted in 92 minutes
the process only ever runs twice in a row, but there's clearly not a 98 minute gap between the 2 processes. I have, to the best of my ability compared the two processes to try and find out the difference, with no luck.
any help would be much appreciated.