I'm recreating a GPO trying to match the settings for the existing one. Only problem is that now when i setup the My Documents redirection to go to \\servername\share$, it now shows its going to make a \\servername\share$\username\My Documents, where my old policy, which is setup the same way, would use \\servername\share$\username as the My Documents folder, which is what I want. Is there a way to force it to not create that extra My Documents subfolder? I'm guessing something changed with Microsoft since that policy was originally created and now.
I'm using "Basic - redirect everyone's folder to the same location", "Create a folder for each user under the root path", with a Root Path of \\servername\share$. Everyone already has a folder created, so maybe this can be changed to get it to what i want, i was just trying to set it up identical to our current policy i'm replacing.
I just want it to redirect to RootPath\%username%, not RootPath\%username%\My Documents.
For what it's worth, the folder I want it to go to is also where their H drive is mapped to as a Home Folder on their Active Directory account.
Redirecting My Documents now creates an unwanted "My Documents" subfolder