Environment: Windows XP SP3, Microsoft Movie Maker, Cisco Flip cameras. We also use AD, Group Policy and Policy Maker Professional.
Problem: Some schools have recently purchased Cisco Flip cameras which encode with H.264. Awesome codec, unsupported by Movie Maker on XP. I can convert videos to WMV using FFMpeg which makes Movie Maker happy. Example command line is...
"<path to ffmpeg>\ffmpeg.exe" -threads 2 -y -i "%L" -b:v 32768k "%L_converted.wmv"
I want to create a shortcut specific to .mp4 files to convert them to .wmv with FFMpeg. I have this working on my workstation, but want to know if there is a better way.
On my workstation I have done the following.
1. In regdit, looing at HKCR\.mp4 and found that (Default) is set to Winamp.File.MP4. From my understanding it redirects all associations with .mp4 to HKCR\Winamp.File.MP4
2. As per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144171%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#customize_verb_static I went to HKCR\Winamp.File.MP4 and saw all of the existing Shortcut Menu Handlers
3. Created a new key called "HKCR\Winamp.File.MP4\Shell\Transcode to WMV" and set the (Default) REG_SZ to "Transcode to WMV"
4. Created a new key called "HKCR\Winamp.File.MP4\Shell\Transcode to WMV\command" and set the (Default) REG_SZ to the command to launch FFMpeg to transcode the file. As above, "<path to ffmpeg>\ffmpeg.exe" -threads 2 -y -i "%L" -b:v 32768k "%L_converted.wmv"
So, THIS WORKS, on my computer, where Winamp has hijacked the .mp4 class. But on a comptuer that has something else installed (Quicktime? VLC? nothing?) this process won't work. I would have to find where HKCR\.mp4 is pointed to, if anywhere, then create the relevant keys.
What is the best way to do this?
edit: I should mention that this solution will be deployed via group policy ;)