Hi there,
I think this is the most appropriate forum so apologies if it is not.
My question relates to installing applications during machine startup using a login script. My scripts work perfectly by the way and the software installs fine - it's the visibility of the install to the user that's the problem as they aren't shown on Windows 7.
I'd like to make my program installs visible during the Windows 7 machine startup stage so my users (of Windows 7) can tell that something is going on and can see the progress of the install rather than think their machine has hung. This is an issue with a large software install such as Office 2010 Pro Plus for example that can take a good 10-20 minutes to finish.
On XP, the same startup script displays the setup window(s) with their progress bars absolutely fine until completion and then presents the login screen as expected.
I've enabled the following in GP for Windows 7 machines;
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Verbose vs normal status messages
Whilst a bit more information is displayed to the user with this setting (assigned software installs for example) any UI Windows for processes run during the startup script are still hidden and instead the user just sees the message "Applying computer settings..." until the install completes.
Does anyone know of a policy setting to make them visible?
Many thanks in advance.