Hello All,
I am setting up "Group Policy Preference" to copy a file to the users' Desktop. I have made sure
- The source file is under reachable file share with appropriate permissions (Read)
- Destination Folder is %DesktopDir% (Selecting through F3 System Defined Valiable)
- Action: Replace (Read some articles on the Forum)
- Target Users (Created a "Group" in Active Directory and populated with people who need to access to the file(s). Added the group into Security Filtering and in the delegation tab (advance) the group has "Read" and "Apply Group Plicy"
to Allow.
- Client machines are Windows XP SP3 with GPP client side extension is installed.
- In Common Tab, "Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option)" is selected
though I have tested in the test environment, the target file is not appear on the desktop. even this policy is placed on under domain level with enforced.
I used to see the below error message in Event Viewer (Not Showing anymore, after enabling "Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option)" is ticked.
I checked event viewer to find the particular event for this.
"Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x800700b' The filename, directory name, or volume label systax is incorrect.'
instead, I see eent 1704 SceCli
"Security policy in the Group policy objects has been applied successfully" after gpupdate /force command.
I confirmed the policy is enabled by running 'gpresult' and the policy was in the executed GPOs list.
Please tell me if the above settings are not right. or If I miss some extra configuration I needed.
kind regards,
Akira Sekine