The Question:
How do I get the effected computers back to standard processing: Computer policy before User policy
The history:
I have tried to overrule a GPO on one computer to set the screen saver and power settings, and it did work,
But I realized that I did apply this setting to all Client Computers in the domain and that was not so good, then I tried to remove this setting,
but the computers will not disable the Loopback setting, if I run Gpupdate and Gpupdate /force and sync
on a computer not effected the command prompt look like this.
Updating Policy...
Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
User Policy update has completed successfully.
On a computer effected with loopback it look like this.
Updating Policy...
User Policy update has completed successfully.
Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
The envent log has this:
The loopback policy prossing mode is "No loopback mode"
Client computers is Windows 7, 8, 8.1