I have had a look at several discussion and not sure if this has already been answered.
I would like to map a set of computers in a class to a set of printers in a class.
E.g there are 15 computers in a IT class which has access to 4 printer.
I would like to map these computers to these 4 printers regardless of who logs on to them. I would also like to map a fixed default printer.
Currently these computers are in single Global Security Group.
Now, there are many classes and each of them will have its own set of printers and hence a default printer in a class.
(1) A user will logon to a computer in IT classroom for one lesson and need to see the local IT printers with a default IT printer.
(2) For a next class, the same user will logon to a Maths computer in a maths classroom and need to see the local Maths classroom printers with a default IT printer.
(3) For a afternoon , the same user will logon to a Library computer in the school library and need to see the local library printers with a default library printer.
On the next day, they may return to the Maths class and would need to see as per (2)
These setup needs to be repeated for all the schools in the borough, etc.
Each of the schools will have its own Windows 2008 Printer server will all the print queues for that school
Each of the desktop is Windows 7 SP2 clients only.
Each of the clients in the classroom are in its own Global Security group i.e. ITClass, Library, MathsClass etc.
No computers belong to more than 1 Global Security Group.
Users OU are in one of these OU -Staff/Child 2010, Child 2011/ITAdmin/Helper structure is and below to varing user global security groups.