We justintegratedanew domain controllerinWindows2008 R2 in aWindows2003 ActiveDirectory.We would like toapply theAdvancedAudit PolicyConfigurationin this newdomain controller.
We made a GPO that we linked to the Windows 2008 R2 domain controller.
We have configuredall thecategories and subcategories, butsomesub-categoriesare not applied.
Exemple : UnderLogon\ Logoffcategory,subcategoryAuditModeIPsecExtendend,AuditingIPsecMain Mode,IPsecQuickAuditModeeven if weconfigure
to "noauditing"
settingremains at "Success andfailiure" whenwe executethe command "auditpol.exe/ get /Category:* ".
Is there way to make work?