I have two DC's on my network, computers and users connected to the Main DC replicate and connect to the GPO just fine. Also when I change permissions on the SYSVOL directory with my domain admin account everything works well, and I am able to change permissions.
With the same admin account on my backup DC, computers and users connecting to it get Access Denied. Drive mappings and policies fail on computers connected to the backup DC, I get name resolution failure and access denied to the policies. Permissions on the sysvol folders from the Main to the Backup DC are identical yet when I attempt to make changes to permissions on the Backup DC on the SYSVOL folder I get access denied. The Domain Admins group has full access to this folder yet I am unable to make changes.
I believe it is the permission issue on this folder that is preventing users and computers from accessing the GPO properly. Is there a way to replicate the permissions properly or reset them/refresh them? GPUPDATE /FORCE yields no results.