Hi, I've been reading a few posted about Windows Server 2008 R2 Group Policy not applying to Windows 7 and I experienced similar issued and some of the posted didn't directed me to what I'm looking for. I thought I should try a new post and see if anyone can help me out.
I've created an OU call TestPC and apply about 8 gpo in the OU. I curious how many gpo I can apply to an OU? My problem was all gpo apply to Windows 7 perfectly but days later when I went back to the server and deleted policy and add a new one: for example, I deleted the firewall gpo and add No shutdown gpo. My problem was on the Windows 7 after force gpupdate /force /boot I've checked on gpresult /r the firewall policy still there and policy No shutdown wasn't show in gpresult /r.
I've been tweaking this for days and still no luck. Oh, I've created another OU Test123 and move the PC in there and apply the same policies but now I ran into a different issue. Within the new OU there's no policies apply on computer settings but the users settings policy was fine.