I have multiple GPO's under a Workstation OU which holds all the computer accounts in them. In this OU the GPO's are for assigning different software, each software has its own GPO (So we can deploy each software separately)
Some of these GPO's install software via MSI files, other via computer startup scripts (which run as local system account)
I figured startup scripts would from synchronously (which is not the default in server 2000 and newer)
So in one of the GPO's I set to run scripts synchronously, set the wait timeout to 0 (wait forever and set to wait for network connection at logon)
I figured startup scripts would run synchronously based on the GPO link order (the lower the link order the first it would install ex. link order GPO 1 would install its startup scripts before link order GPO 2)
But when I check my result (gpresult /user user /h temp.html) it shows that they are almost reversed.
So I set the ones I wanted first to run as a higher link number, and it seemed to work (sort of) most of them seem to be running in the order by highest link number to lowest, except one which has the highest link level which ran last.
The other thing I noticed is even though i set startup scripts to run synchronous I still get logged into before the scripts finish running...
so what's the exact order on how scripts run when assigned by different GPO's?