We have decided to stop laptops from synchronizing offline copies of the user's redirected MyDocs folders and all folders in general.
So, I created I applied a GPO to the OU containing the computers we want to affect and enabled GPO loopback processing for the user settings.
The policy contains these settings:
remove make available offline ENABLED
synchronize all offline files before logging off, when logging on, before suspend, all DISABLED
User configuration:
Do not automatically make directed folders available offline ENABLED.
I did gpupdate /force, rebooted the computer and ran a Group Policy Results report to verify these policies are being applied. Report shows the policy is applied.
Despite all that, after whenever a user logs off, the XP computer stills synchronizes on exit and it is synchronizing a different users files than the user that is logging off.
I deleted the profile of the user account whose documents show as synchronizing and it did not help.
How can we force stoppage of offline file synchronization on computers that had previously been syncronizing?