Im testing a gpo that enables folder redirection for the desktop and mydocs folders. I'd like to exclude windows XP clients (and older), so I uncheck the box that reads:
"Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 operating systems."
If i do GPO modeling using our win2k3 DC to simulate, folder redirection does not apply.
If i do GPO modeling using our win2k12 DC to simulate, folder redirection DOES apply.
The 2k3 DC shows the following error in the event viewer: Windows cannot find Group Policy object cn={6D166ACB-4999-4997-9EBB-CE05F380B6A7},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=cimgroup,DC=com in Active Directory. The object may not exist, or access to the object may be denied.
Here's where it gets weird. If i recheck the box to allow the GPO on windows xp machines, the modeling correctly shows folder redirection on both DCs.
Any ideas?