I want to map a drive to a share on our new NAS. We've always used Group Policy to map network shares that are actually on our Win2003 server. Here's the details...
Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2
Group Policy Management 1.0.2
Synology DS1813+ NAS (it joins our domain and integrates with Active Directory to grant rights)
The group policy VB Script is named map.vbs
Windows XP sp3 clients (that's all I've test. I haven't tested our Win7Pro clients yet)
Mapping Z: to \\server\data1 works 99.9% of the time
Mapping L: to \\nas\data2 works on SOME pc's and not on others (LOGGING IN AS THE SAME USER ON ALL PCs)
Here's the kicker. I can login and then MANUALLY run "map.vbs" on any computer and it maps all drives perfectly
Here's the script (map.vbs)...
Dim objNetSet objNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
' ********
' Map Z (the server share)
' *******
' Temporarily suspend normal error handling
On Error Resume Next
' Map drive
objNet.MapNetworkDrive "Z:" , "\\server\data1"
' Test for an error
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
' Restore normal error handling
On Error GoTo 0
' Remove the drive mapping.
objNet.RemoveNetworkDrive "Z:" , True, True
' Map drive
objNet.MapNetworkDrive "Z:", "\\server\data1"
End If
' Restore normal error handling
On Error GoTo 0
' ********
' Map L (the NAS share)
' ********
' Temporarily suspend normal error handling
On Error Resume Next
' Map drive
objNet.MapNetworkDrive "L:" , "\\nas\data2"
' Test for an error
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
' Restore normal error handling
On Error GoTo 0
' Remove the drive mapping.
objNet.RemoveNetworkDrive "L:" , True, True
' Map drive
objNet.MapNetworkDrive "L:", "\\nas\data2"
End If
' Restore normal error handling
On Error GoTo 0