<p>I have created a User GPP shortcut policy for a URL that deletes the old shortcut from four different locations (CommonDesktop, DesktopDir, and two shared drive locations hence using a User policy) and places a new shortcut and
URL on CommonDesktop.</p><p>I had only done some initial testing but it appeared to work deleting from all or any of the four locations and placing my new file as I expected admittedly without the icon file working but working otherwise. </p><p>But having tried again today weirdly it isn't working as expected and won't delete the original icon from %DesktopDir%. Would anyone have any suggestions as to why this now wouldn't delete?
It isn't deleting on the account I was originally testing with, nor other test accounts. So I don't know if I am missing something fundamental in what I have created</p><p>Also if anyone can advise how I get my custom icon to work also
that would be appreciated. I select the ICON file I want but either get an unrecognised icon or standard IE icon. Do I have to use an Icon Index number? Or have it stored on the PC's themselves? </p>