A couple of months ago, I've defined a set of GPOs to map network drives depending of AD group membership of the logged-on user.
This perfectly worked until a week ago, with no particular events recorded into the log to help me in understanding what happened. I also activated GPPrefs Debug Logging (http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2008/07/18/enabling-group-policy-preferences-debug-logging-using-the-rsat.aspx) but with no success: no messages recorded into the log. Of course, I didn't make any change into the GPOs and network guys told me that they didn't change anything in firewall rules, DNS resolution and topics like these ones.
If I generate a report for the affected users, I see that the user has been recognized as a member of the desired group but...The GPPref is not listed as applied into the report.
Any suggestion will be appreciated :)
Thanks in advance