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use msiexec to remotely install an .msi file accross the network


I'm trying to install an .msi file via group policy but am not having any success. How can I install an .msi file onto computers accross the network using the msiexec command instead of psexec? I'm using this scriptwith psiexec below to no avail,I'm running the script as domain admin and the everyone, domain users and domain computer security groups all have ntfs full control permissions to the share folder and co-owner permissions to the share. I can also install the package manually and reach the share from the computer using\\servername\share

C:\Users\hrice>psexec \\ -u abc\admin -p password!! msiexec /i "\\abc-fs\comp
any\IT\Shared\Adobe Flash Player\install_flash_player_11_active_x.msi\install_flash_play
er_active_x.msi" /qn

PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

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.     V e r i f y   t h a t   t h e   p a c k a g e   e x i s t s   a n d   t h a t   y o
u   c a n   a c c e s s   i t ,   o r   c o n t a c t   t h e   a p p l i c a t i o n   v
e n d o r   t o   v e r i f y   t h a t   t h i s   i s   a   v a l i d   W i n d o w s
I n s t a l l e r   p a c k a g e .
 msiexec exited on with error code 1619.

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