- Windows 2003 AD with single domain.
I'm having troubles when creating GPP through RSAT Group Management Console. It doesn't matter wheter I create a scheduled task or a file, registry item....
Once the GPP is added, I go to the GPO Settings and it always shows the following message:
An unknown error occurred while data was gathered for this extension. Details: Could not find a part of the path '\\mydc.ttec.es\SysVol\mydomain.com\Policies\{329AEDD7-AC9B-435E-B550-C42EDDA680F8}\Machine\Preferences\ScheduledTasks\ScheduledTasks.xml'.
I've also noticed that there may be a replication issue. A few minutes later after the GPO is created, I go to the SYSVOL\mydomain\Policies Folder (GPO Central Store) and there are two folders for the new GPO, the one with the GPO GUID and another one with the same name but the suffix NTFRS_xxxxxx.
There's no problem when I create GPO using Administrative Templates, Windows Security... It's just with GPP.
I've checked the replication (dcdiag, repadmin, netdiag and dnslint) status and everything seems to be OK.
GPP have been working for ages with no issues and no major changes have been made to the AD/domain.
Thanks in advance.